Monday, March 21, 2011

Danger Diminished!

While you're here you might consider the following situation:

You must diminish the threat level of one scary creature!
You only have one weapon: switching the hands/feet of your foe with kitten paws, GO!

Whose power is reduced the most by no longer having feet/hands/claws/whatever spider feet are called?

A Velociraptor?
A Crocodile?
A Spider?
Bill O'Reilly? (Hands disappear, kitten paws appear- you can't explain that!)

Vote in the poll to the right (see it?>>>) and I will draw a picture of the winner! Sorry its hard to read the options but the order is the same as above, I have to work out that bug, its not available in the template designer.

I'll start the drawing as soon as the poll closes, or I get bored of waiting for it to close; ten days is a long time.
Let's kitten-ify those scary creatures!

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