Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to the River

This morning I went to the river and I saw a huge white swan. They are so fantastically BIG. Its body budged not when it deigned to bend its neck into the river, and budged not when lifted it again.

I saw a lonely goose, honking for its fellows. A kind of duck I've never seen before, with chocolate feathers, a thin graceful neck and a head with pretty angles instead of one curve. I saw many one-curved Mallards as well.

Three turtles, one solitary and two partnered, the one climbing half atop the other in an attempt to be that much closer to the sun. They were perfectly still, gaining energy, expending none.

I walked along the concrete ledge the seperates the path from the drop to the reeds. I climbed down and poked around the rocks for wildlife but found mostly shit and I think I was making the nesting ducks nervous so I climbed back up. Then I ran through the seagulls and went home.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Bran Inevitability

It's true that I love muffins, especially the top
I love them when they're firm, yeah I love them when they flop
I love them when they're made of bran
They're healthy for you too
But I loved one earlier today so 'scuse me while I poo!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Running Out of Time

We currently have a tie between velociraptor and crocodile. Somebody break the tie!

May I say I find it notable that Bill O'Reilly's threat level remains unchanged since kitten paws do absolutely nothing to shut him up. At least he won't be able to match his pointed finger to that acrid, mouldy visage.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Danger Diminished!

While you're here you might consider the following situation:

You must diminish the threat level of one scary creature!
You only have one weapon: switching the hands/feet of your foe with kitten paws, GO!

Whose power is reduced the most by no longer having feet/hands/claws/whatever spider feet are called?

A Velociraptor?
A Crocodile?
A Spider?
Bill O'Reilly? (Hands disappear, kitten paws appear- you can't explain that!)

Vote in the poll to the right (see it?>>>) and I will draw a picture of the winner! Sorry its hard to read the options but the order is the same as above, I have to work out that bug, its not available in the template designer.

I'll start the drawing as soon as the poll closes, or I get bored of waiting for it to close; ten days is a long time.
Let's kitten-ify those scary creatures!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Edited for Rednecks

Alright, the truth is I've been caught in the sticky interwebs. But, as I sit here clicking and dreaming about building a time machine so that I might marry Carl Sagan, I come across this and have to share it. NOW I'll go write my essay. Or something.


I must say, that's a pretty good impression of my future late husband's voice. Ok NOW to the essay.

I Bank with Banksy

Just the other day in performance class we watched a Banksy film called "Exit Through the Gift Shop" which was incredibly interesting, but I'll write more on it later. I just Stumble'dupon this and wanted to pass it on. As an artist and consumer myself it struck me:

Thursday, March 17, 2011